Almost two years ago, after the election, I spoke to many clients, friends, and colleagues who dreaded going home for the Holidays due to their fear that the usual arguing over politics would be fiercer than ever. They were probably correct. Most of them wanted to be with family for the Holidays, but also wanted peace. I banged out my “Thanksgiving Contract 2016”. As we are faced with another conflict generating election this year, and right before the Holidays, I have updated the contract. Go to “Getting Started” and you can print it out for your family get togethers. Two years ago, some people reported that it was helpful. Others, not so much.
Remember, we do love our families (mostly) and long after the dust settles on this election – and the one after that – they are still the people we choose to break bread with on Thanksgiving.
Best of Luck and Happy (and peaceful) Thanksgiving!
Great advice! I love it!